25 abril 2020

"Music from my House”

Conhecem o Henke?  É um holandês, adotou Portugal como sua segunda pátria; saxofonista, vive no bairro da Beira-Mar. Todos os domingos nos dá uma atuação em direto , "Music from my House”

E hoje, a propósito do 25 de Abril, deixou-nos este poema e uma música: https://www.facebook.com/henkvantwillert.saxophone/videos/1442964775885812/
Everyday is freedom day
Freedom is being ourselves
Feeling good about
Freedom is mental clarity
Combined with inner peace
With the desire to expand yourself
Into all that you are
With it on our hands
There is nothing to be afraid of
While we are not free to go outside
We still have freedom
On our words and music
Be free and choose to stay home
Freedom comes in many ways
If you have it
Don’t waste it
ESMAE Saxophone Class - 2020

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